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Simon says:
angshur decided to share a decisión with other Simonites. Here is the summary.
Posted By: angshur
Decision Name: Should I go back to school?
Date: December 12th - 2012
Description: Going for an MBA after 8 years of solid experience leaving family and spending a lot of money.
Simon says: Colleges in Singapore

Very Important
Selected Tools

My Scores
My Alternatives
My Factors
 Colleges in Singapore
 Colleges in UK
 Colleges in USA
 Don't go for an MBA and focus on current job and family
 Getting a good placements after college
 Cost of the school: 40 lacks vs 55 lacks vs more
 I am already 32 and need to start a family in next year
 Duration of program. 1 year vs 2 years
 Staying away for 2 years - worth it?
 Location of the school: US vs Europe vs Singapore
 Brand Value of the college: SAID vs Duke vs Emory vs NUS
Colleges in Singapore scored 10.00% higher than the next best option Colleges in UK
1 Colleges in Singapore 73.57
2 Colleges in UK 67.14
3 Don't go for an MBA and focus on current job and family 61.43
4 Colleges in USA 60.71
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