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Here are some recent decisions from members of the Simon community, aka Simonites. Click on any of the decisions below to get advice from what they decided to do.
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Time Decision Simon Says Posted By  Decision's comments  Decision's likes
on 2010-06-28 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? Neither char 0 0
on 2010-06-27 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone Rackel 0 0
on 2010-06-24 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone Luis zubieta 1 1
on 2010-05-12 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone mikediliberto 1 1
on 2010-01-25 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? Nexus One HimaTech 0 1
on 2010-01-11 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? Keep old phone and old plan Caleb 0 0
on 2009-10-06 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? Car JennyG 0 3
on 2009-09-24 Should I buy an iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone Jennifer 1 6


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