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Here are some recent decisions from members of the Simon community, aka Simonites. Click on any of the decisions below to get advice from what they decided to do.
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Time Decision Simon Says Posted By  Decision's comments  Decision's likes
on 2009-05-18 Should I quit my job to start my own business? opening up my own bar. cb fan 0 0
on 2009-05-18 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Intothelights.com Aaron Lee 0 0
on 2009-05-18 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Start my own company adrivdw 0 0
on 2009-05-18 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Do both--keep job and start my own business Scott 0 0
on 2009-05-17 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Just concentrate on the kids & home mateosbaby 0 0
on 2009-05-11 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Quit my job and start my own business Ricardo 0 0
on 2009-05-11 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Quit my job and start my own business QB 0 0
on 2009-05-10 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Stay at current job Miihii 0 0
on 2009-05-09 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Branch off on my own cshreiner 0 0
on 2009-05-09 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Write a book Baldmeistr 0 0
on 2009-05-09 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Try to combine job, entrepeneurship and normal life ricardoe 0 0
on 2009-05-09 Should I quit my job to start my own business? IT services Specialization Virtually Hidden 0 0
on 2009-05-07 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Private Practice kb 0 0
on 2009-05-06 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Stay at my current job until I am ready to start a business. mYsZa 0 0
on 2009-05-02 Should I quit my job to start my own business? Become a full-time employee in Santa Barbara Blue Zen Media 0 0


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