Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Can You Imagine Life Without Credit Cards?

Courtesy of CNN Moneys The End of Credit Cards is Coming

Courtesy of CNN Money's "The End of Credit Cards is Coming"

And not because you made a New Years resolution to lay off the plastic!  According to this CNN Money article, “The End of Credit Cards is Coming,” those beloved plastic rectangles that never leave our wallets may be go the way of the vinyl record. Ask someone under 15 about a vinyl record and you’ll get a picture of just how obsolete (and forgotten) they have truly become…

And, no, we won’t all be using cold, hard cash (although Suze Orman would love that)–it’s the Smart Phone that is about to give your credit card a run for its money.

How often do you use your Smart Phone as a form of payment? Or maybe you haven’t made the switch.  Either way, Blake Ellis reports that you might start choosing your phone over your credit card even more in 2011:

You can already use your iPhone, Droid or BlackBerry to buy a hotdog at the ballgame, buy your Starbucks latté, or give a friend a few bucks by Bumping phones. But by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card.

What do you think?  Weird or awesome?

[] [Digg] [Technorati]