Archive for the ‘Press’ Category Decides My Tool is “Amazingly Intelligent”


Coming down off of a holiday weekend can sometimes be depressing, but thanks to, the Let Simon Decide team had even more to celebrate the morning after July 4th. Check out this incredibly flattering review: “3 Amazingly Intelligent Web Services That Help You Make Complex Decisions.” The author, James Yeang, seems to understand exactly what we are all about, describing, “In the end though, once you do your homework, this is the perfect way to tabulate and affirm any complex decision you make.” Thanks, man!

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Yahoo’s Shine Compares Let Simon Decide and Hunch Decision Tools


I was very impressed by this article––posted on Yahoo’s (”a smart, dynamic place for women to gather, get info and to connect with each other and the world around them”). Featured in the “Manage Your Life” section, this review compares Let Simon Decide and the newly-launched Hunch (helmed by Flickr’s Caterina Fake). Writer Marci Alboher really hit the nail on the head when she decided to point out the key differences between Simon and Hunch:

What I liked about it was that Simon reminded me of my goals, my values, and my personality… The real work is in thinking through your personality type and your goals, something many people probably fail to do when making important decisions.

I couldn’t have said it better myself!

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Web Technology Blog “ReadWriteWeb” Decides to Recommend Decision Tools


I was beyond thrilled to read “For Misguided Youngsters, Let Simon Decide Aids Decision Making Process,” an article about Let Simon Decide on ReadWriteWeb, an awesome Web Technology blog.

ReadWriteWeb is one of the world’s top 20 most popular blogs according to Technorati and one of the world’s 100 most influential websites according to URLfan. Also RWW is ranked in the top 10 on the Techmeme Leaderboard.

Thumbs Up for Decision Making Process

Jolie O’Dell, the author of the article, decided to focus on Let Simon Decide’s appeal to younger users when making decisions big and small. They gave my decision making process a very favorable review, concluding that, “Overall, the process was actually quite fun. It took the anxiety and pain out of making decisions based on reality. We recommend it for the indecisive, the poor planners, and the chronically chaotic.”

In-Depth Look at Decision Making Tools and Features

What was very cool about this article in particular was all the screen shots the writer decided to include of my tools, basically walking the reader step-by-step through my process and pointing out the unique and helpful features we offer. Maybe I should decide to offer her a job in my marketing department!

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Thrillist Decides to Recommend My Decision Tool


ThrillistMy media tour continues! I am very excited to share this article from with all my Simonites. is a quick, free daily email with editions in 10 different cities and one nationwide. According to the site, “Each weekday, we’ll drop you a must-have recommendation, from the best of what’s new, to deeply under-the-radar goodness.” And guess who they have decided to recommend now? Your favorite decision-making geek! (I am your favorite, right?). You should definitely check out the Let Simon Decide article!

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Lifehacker, Software/Web 2.0 Blog, Decides to Feature Let Simon Decide!



I’ve been hacked! Relax, relax, I’m only joking. But I knew it would grab your attention!

What I really mean is that yesterday, I was featured on, “an award-winning daily blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you get things done smarter and more efficiently. Lifehacker launched in January 2005, and now ranks as one of the top-linked blogs on the internet according to Technorati.”  You can decide to check out the article here: Let Simon Decide Makes Tough Decisions Easy.

I was stunned to wake up this morning to an enormous influx of new users and decisions. I guess decision-making may be the hot new way to spend a Friday night at home. No judgment here–I can’t think of a more perfect evening!

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Article on Mashable, Web 2.0 and Social Media Blog


Hand Off Life’s Big Decisions to Science; Let Simon DecideWhat a whirlwind week this has been! I still can’t believe that little-old-me, a decision-making nerd with a dream, is getting press coverage. First the TechCrunch article, now a review on Somebody should pinch me!

Founded in July 2005, Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Networking news. With more than 5 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web.

Check out the article (Hand Off Life’s Big Decisions to Science; Let Simon Decide) and let me know what you think. I know I’m not an objective source, but I think it’s a pretty good review…

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TechCrunch, Web 2.0 Blog, Decides to Introduce Let Simon Decide


LetSimonDecide Takes On Life’s Tough Choices

The cat is out of the bag and there is no turning back! Yesterday, this article about me was posted on TechCrunch, which means that, yes kids, dreams really do come true.

For those of you who haven’t decided to bookmark the Web 2.0 blog, how can I properly explain what it means for me me to be covered by TechCrunch? Founded in 2005, the site has quickly become a Web 2.0/startup authority in the blogosphere, with 10 million page views per month. As I explained to a Hollywood-crazed friend of mine who was unfamiliar with the site, it’s like the Perez Hilton for people who would rather read about that hot new startup than the latest celebrity hookup. Or for you sports nuts, it was the equivalent of a one minute Super Bowl commercial. Get the picture?

Within an hour after the article was posted, tons and tons of new users registered and started making smart decisions (time to increase server capacity!). I guess Christmas came early this year! If you haven’t already read the article, you should take a look: Let Simon Decide Takes on Life’s Tough Choices.

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