Archive for February, 2011

Girl Scouts Decide To Make Cookie Cuts


The Girl Scouts are tightening their belts, just like everyone else.  And this means cutting some of their cookie varieties.  Relax–Thin Mints and Samoas (aka Caramel deLites) aren’t going anywhere!  Neither are Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, Lemon Chalet Cremes and Tagalongs (aka Peanut Butter Patties). But, it’s time to say goodbye to Dulce de Leche, Thank U Berry Munch, All Abouts, and Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip, none of which were pulling their weight, sales-wise.

From TIME Magazine’s Even Girl Scout Cookies Are Victims of the Recession:

“Our top five varieties make up 77% of cookie sales,” Amanda Hamaker, the manager of national product sales for the Girl Scouts, told the Wall Street Journal.  “The others are yummy and fun, but they’re side dressing—leaving councils with an awful lot of alternate varieties left over.”

To be honest, I don’t think I had ever heard of Thank U Berry Munch, so I think I am going to get over the loss pretty quickly.  How are you coping?

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