Archive for October, 2010
Simonites Decide About Academics? Yeah, Right!
Now that the school year is about a month in, you probably think that Simonites have been making all sorts of academic decisions, right? Wrong! Out of the top 10 most popular decisions in the past month, only two have to do with education: Decide on a college (#5) and Decide on a major (#10). So, what exactly are Simonites thinking about? The same as usual–L.O.V.E.! I don’t know whether my users are true romantics or just hormonal, but the top three decisions of the past month are: Should I ask him/her out?, Should I tell him/her how I feel?, and Should I get back together with my ex?
Interesting tid-bit: The top factor for both Should I ask him/her out? and Should I get back together with my ex? is none other than LOVE. Meanwhile, the top factor for Should I tell him/her how I feel is…Avoiding awkwardness.