Archive for December, 2009

Top Decisions of the Week: What Should I Decide About My Love Life?


This morning I decided to pull up a report of the most popular decisions made by Simonites in the past week–and they are ALL choices about love and relationships! At first I was surprised to see that people were not focusing on deciding what to do about their careers and jobs, as has been the case for the past few months. Instead, my community seems to have been drinking Love Potion #9–and everyone wants advice for how to decide about their love lives.

These are the top 6 decisions: 1) Should I tell him/her how I feel? 2) Should I get back together with my ex? 3) Should I dump him/her? 4) Should I have an affair? 5) Should I get married? 6) Should I ask him/her out?

My first thought was, “Huh?” But then I thought of all the lovey-dovey movies on TV this time of year  (Love Actually anyone?), the mistletoe, the New Year’s Eve kiss, and the way that holidays can get us thinking about what really matters to us–the people we love. At the same time, the holiday season can make people without love in their lives feel especially lonely, which may explain why users are looking for advice that will help them decide what to do. It makes total sense that with eleven–count them–days until Christmas, these are the choices that matter most to my community. That’s one of the best parts of my job, gaining a better understanding of people’s hearts and minds through the way they decide.

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House Hunters: Red Flags To Look For Before You Decide to Bid


While many of you may be focusing on your holiday shopping, some of you may decide to make a pricier purchase this December–a new home. I just came across this great article on  Real Estate page that I think all Simonite house hunters should decide to read for advice: . You all know there’s nothing I like more than a checklist. For ultimate peace of mind (and headache prevention), you should try going down this list with a Sharpie marker to cross out red flags from ceiling stains to poor water pressure until you feel confident about what to decide.

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Advice to Help You Decide How to Shop This Holiday Season


Some of you may be laughing at the title of this post, feeling so proud of yourselves for having decided to finish your shopping way back in October. Well, lucky you! I am still in the process of making my list and checking it twice. I would bet that I am not alone, either. To prove it, I recently decided to post a poll on my Simonites Say page about holiday gift shopping styles–cast your vote today!

So, for those of you who, like me, have no beautifully wrapped gifts tucked under the tree or Menorah, or wherever you keep your gifts, you should read this Wall Street Journal article for some advice: “How to Manage Holiday Shopping.” And if you’re like me and decide to do all your shopping online, their list of Online Tools to Make Holiday Shopping Easy may just keep you sane this holiday season!

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