Archive for July, 2009
Tips to Help You Decide on a College
As summer turns into fall and you replace your beach bag with your backpack, many of you may decide to start thinking about the decision you have been avoiding all summer long: where the heck you should go to college! Consider these tips as you go through this decision process.
Do your homework. Make sure your college research is up-to-date. You should not assume that a college offers specific classes or programs unless you know it for a fact. Visit the website or decide to call the admissions office for the most accurate information. Course offerings may change from year to year, so advice from older siblings and parents may not always be relevant—sorry, Mom!
Think big picture. Although many college applicants have no clue what they want to be “when they grow up,” they still have a general idea of their strengths—are you a math person? An artist? Make sure you decide on a school that can get you where you want to be later on. You may not have a specific career path in mind, but you should decide on a college that offers programs that fit your strengths or at least lets you keep your options open.
Take a look off campus. From housing to shopping to safety, look for a college where you can see yourself both on and off campus. You may be spending a good deal of time in class, but think about how you want to spend your evenings and weekends out of class. Let’s face it—you won’t be spending all of your time at the library!
Helpful College Links
College Board
Princeton Review
US News
Simonites who have already been through this process: Any tips for people currently making this major decision? Please send them my way!
Let Simon Decide Unveils New Website Design
Yes, the rumors are true…I’ve gone under the knife! After putting in lots of long hours, I was thrilled to unveil my brand new design this week. Since launching in May, I have received a ton of feedback (some good, some bad) that helped me decide how I should streamline the look and feel of the site. My goal was to give the page a cleaner, fresher look and to make the layout more intuitive.
I love how the new design turned out, and I can’t wait to hear what you think. Please feel free to continue sending me your feedback. Thanks again to all of you who have decided to send me your thoughts so far!
Tips for Deciding Where to Live
Thinking about moving someplace new? Whether you are looking to relocate across town or half-way around the world, consider these tips to decide on the location that feels best to you.
Research Job, Housing, and Education Opportunities
If you have decided to move to a new city alone, you’ll want to research the job and housing opportunities. If you’ve decided to move with a partner and/or a family, you should take their needs into consideration—schools, their job, etc. Identify your needs and research what opportunities are available to meet them.
Consider the Cost of Living
Take some time to research the cost of living in the cities you are considering and then evaluate how they would match up with your budget. Ideally, your salary in a new city should be in proportion to the cost living, but we’re not always so lucky—especially if you’re a full-time student.
Envision Your Future Lifestyle
Based on the information you’ve gathered, what will your typical day and weekend be like in the locations you are considering? You deserve to be happy, so if you could have it your way, what would be your ideal lifestyle? Ask yourself how each city would match up with your dream life and go from there.
Helpful Relocation Links
For more information, you should check out these great resources:
For those of you who have recently relocated, how did you make your decision? Were you happy with the outcome? Your feedback will help add to this list of tips.