Archive for June, 2009
Decide on a Significant Other: Top Decision Factors
Love is in the air! Be it boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, husband, wife, booty call, Simonites are taking this decision very seriously (it’s the #3 decision right now). Maybe it’s because in these uncertain economic times, we have decided to remind ourselves that love don’t cost a thing!
Check out the top factors users consider when trying to decide on the object of their affection:
1. Personality
2. Physical attraction
3. Intelligence
4. Shared interests
5. Looks
I’ll be honest, none of these factors were eyebrow-raisers for me. What caught my eye were these more unique factors that I’ve noticed in various published decisions.
- Miss the cat
- Video game skills
- Cleanliness
- Sexual libido
- I’m getting old
Are these the same things you would decide to consider? Let me know which factors you agree with and which leave you shaking your head.
Yahoo’s Shine Compares Let Simon Decide and Hunch Decision Tools
I was very impressed by this article––posted on Yahoo’s (”a smart, dynamic place for women to gather, get info and to connect with each other and the world around them”). Featured in the “Manage Your Life” section, this review compares Let Simon Decide and the newly-launched Hunch (helmed by Flickr’s Caterina Fake). Writer Marci Alboher really hit the nail on the head when she decided to point out the key differences between Simon and Hunch:
What I liked about it was that Simon reminded me of my goals, my values, and my personality… The real work is in thinking through your personality type and your goals, something many people probably fail to do when making important decisions.
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Let Simon Decide Social Network Grows with Facebook Page
Great news for all you Facebook-addicted Simonites: you can now decide to become a fan of the Let Simon Decide Facebook “Page” by clicking .
As many of you know, a page is different from a personal profile (it’s used for businesses, organizations, musicians, etc.) and offers some features that a profile does not, such as an awesome discussion board. I’ve already posted some topics, so you should come on over and let me know what you think.
Message to my Facebook friends: please decide to become my fan instead. Once all of you move over to the page, I will close down the profile. Don’t worry, though, I’ll try not to let having “fans” give me a big head…
Web Technology Blog “ReadWriteWeb” Decides to Recommend Decision Tools
I was beyond thrilled to read “For Misguided Youngsters, Let Simon Decide Aids Decision Making Process,” an article about Let Simon Decide on ReadWriteWeb, an awesome Web Technology blog.
ReadWriteWeb is one of the world’s top 20 most popular blogs according to Technorati and one of the world’s 100 most influential websites according to URLfan. Also RWW is ranked in the top 10 on the Techmeme Leaderboard.
Thumbs Up for Decision Making Process
Jolie O’Dell, the author of the article, decided to focus on Let Simon Decide’s appeal to younger users when making decisions big and small. They gave my decision making process a very favorable review, concluding that, “Overall, the process was actually quite fun. It took the anxiety and pain out of making decisions based on reality. We recommend it for the indecisive, the poor planners, and the chronically chaotic.”
In-Depth Look at Decision Making Tools and Features
What was very cool about this article in particular was all the screen shots the writer decided to include of my tools, basically walking the reader step-by-step through my process and pointing out the unique and helpful features we offer. Maybe I should decide to offer her a job in my marketing department!
Tattoo Decision Making: An Art and a Science
To ink or not to ink, that is the question among Simonites these days!
I couldn’t help but notice that tattoo decisions are more important to my users than deciding on a college or marriage. Maybe people are of the belief that you can always decide to transfer colleges or spouses, but a butterfly on your butt is forever. Whatever the reason, this isn’t a decision Simonites are making lightly.
You should check out my list of the top factors Simonites have been considering when deciding if they should get a tattoo. Do you agree with these factors or do you think other factors are more important?
Top Tattoo Factors Used With My Decision Tools
1. Appearance
2. Cost
3. Size
4. Pain
5. Long-term
Online Tattoo Decision Results
Here’s where I want to play bookie for a minute. Before reading the results below (no cheating!), close your eyes and take a bet about the percentage of users who decided to get a tattoo versus the percentage who chose not to (and the percentage who decided to wait). Let me know if the actual results come as a surprise to you.
Decide not to get a tattoo….48%
Decide to get a tattoo…………46%
Decide to wait………………….6%
Now, what do you think the odds are that of that 46%, some devoted user will opt to get a cute, little tattoo of yours truly? That will be the day I can retire…