After receiving valuable feedback from my trusted friends and decision making experts, I am ready to open my doors to a new bunch of Simonites. For this second phase, I have decided to launch a private closed Beta test before our big unveiling. That’s where you come in!
I’m looking forward to receiving a fresh batch of feedback. This site is a work in progress, so I need your help to be the best I can be.
- What else would you like to see?
- What would make you decide to return again and again?
- Are there elements that you think should be improved?
Please send your comments (good and bad) to .
I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Tags: Closed Beta Test
Hola Ricardo: Felicidades! Por fin se logro! Me parece sumamente bien estructurado y muy util (para gente bastante mas joven que yo). Como ya te habia comentado en alguna ocasion, creo que Simon es ideal para gente joven y chicos, empezando mas o menos a los 10 - 12 an~os. Sugerencia: Les falta poner una categoria para elegir entre animales mascotas. Por ejemplo: Pets: Should I get a parrot or a salamander. Should I get a cat or a hamster. Etc.
No dudo que Simon sera un instrumento sumamente util para chicos en “middle school” y luego en “highschool” para ayudarles a escoger estudios superiores.
Tienes en mi una FAN que te envia toda su admiracion!
Saludos carin~osos
Muchas gracias Monica. Todos en el equipo estamos muy emocionados con el lanzamiento y estamos seguros de que Simon va a ayudar a la gente a analizar sus decisiones. Vamos a agregar la decision que propones, me parece muy buena. Un abrazo fuerte !
Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!
I really like your post. Does it copyright protected?
You know, I don’t read blogs. But yours is really worth beeing read.
How soon will you update your blog? I’m interested in reading some more information on this issue.
More to come this week!
Posts like this are what make the internet great, thanks for sharing.
This is a interesting post.